Saturday, March 27, 2010

Suede Shoes

suede shoes

So you have your pair of suede shoes, but how you go about maintaining this wonderful material? Well here I will go through a list of methods that I have found or even tried on my own shoes and give you the low-down on each one.

Be Mindful:

Firstly I'd like make it noted that prevention is better than cure, so the first tip I'd have to give for maintaining your suede is Be Mindful, this means when wearing them be mindful that suede is supple and malleable and will leave a mark, should it be struck. This also means storage, to avoid having to brush dust off your suede shoes, simply keep them in a confined space, a shoebox is great for keeping dust out, but you can go as far as buying dust bags for each individual shoe, to ensure that they won't rub together, or gather dust. Another very important fact to note is that water and suede do NOT mix, so spray your shoes with suede or nubuck protectant before wearing them to make cleaning much easier should it be necessary.

suede shoes

Brush it Away:

For small scuff marks, dust and light dirt, a brush is a very viable option to use when cleaning suede. Some websites may say to only brush in one direction, but when you are cleaning it is okay to brush in all directions to loosen dirt and to bring back the nap in the suede. It is recommended to use a suede brush for this process, although I have used a regular nylon shoe brush to remove dust and scuff marks and to also restore the nap. Other options for brushes are wire brushes (for heavier stains and marks) and a hard bristled toothbrush can also be used with a bit more effort. To clean a scuff mark simply rub over it with strong strokes in varying directions to restore the nap, then to unify the suede nap, brush the whole shoe in the direction of the suede grain.

suede shoes

Erase the Stains:

Now, for stronger stains, dirt or scuff marks, it is probably a good idea to buy a suede eraser. These can restore suede from a very sorry state back to its original form. Some parts of your shoes which are prone to scuff marks may become glossy and almost leather-like, and with a strong rub from the suede eraser, these can be easily removed and the original nap restored. A pencil eraser can also be used to a lesser effect, and with more effort, but is certainly worth a try, and for those who cannot find a suede eraser or for shoes with a very bad staining, medium grit sandpaper can be used (between 100-250 grit), though it should be used sparingly. Some say that it is possible to use a small amount of white vinegar on a white rag and to rub that into the stain to remove it, though this should be used as a last resort. Again, once you are done cleaning, use a brush to make the suede nap uniform again.

suede shoes

Water Stains:

If you get water on your men's suede shoes and it dries and leaves a mark, a solution which has been found to work is to first pack your shoes with newspaper (so they don't lose their shape during this process), take a wet rag and rub water into the entirety of your shoe. Next let them dry in the shade and simply brush them to make the suede nap uniform.

suede shoes

Hopefully these methods have helped you, I've tried to include everything that I have seen/researched/used before to make this a more comprehensive suede cleaning guide.